
Hiring Privacy Lawyers? Looking for New Positions? Let Us Know

Published: Aug. 09, 2013

Updated: Oct. 05, 2020

Some companies are growing their privacy practices and others are downsizing.  Some of our clients are looking for the best and brightest new talents, and others are the best and brightest talents but feel unchallenged in their current role. Others need to relocate for personal reasons.  Whatever the case may be, please let us know and we’ll see if we can help.   Every day we see great privacy and security lawyers and hear about interesting opportunities.  Some apply to work here and we don’t (yet) have room for them.  Some apply to our clients, who can often only pick one new hire, but have seen other good lawyers worth pursuing.   We also have placement executives calling us regularly for leads to fill in-house positions.  Over the years we have helped place in-house talent, helped relocate in-house talent, and even hired great in-house talent to join the ZwillGen team.  So, if you have hiring needs or career aspirations, please feel free to let us know and we will help (fee-free) in any way we can.  In the meanwhile, enjoy the end of summer.